The protesters threatened to seize the American Embassy on Saturday, but a police order banned any further demonstrations. They also burned the American and French flags. They chanted “death to the United States and death to the French” and set on fire a symbolic coffin for President Obama that was draped with the American flag, as well as an effigy of Mr. In Bangladesh, several thousand activists from Islamic organizations took over roads in the center of the capital, Dhaka after prayers. In Tunisia, the authorities invoked emergency powers to outlaw all demonstrations, fearing an outpouring of anti-Western protest inspired both by the American-made film and by cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a French satirical weekly.Īmerican diplomatic posts in India, Indonesia and elsewhere closed for the day. The unrest came as governments and Western institutions in many parts of the Muslim world braced for protests after Friday Prayer - an occasion often associated with demonstrations as worshipers leave mosques. Thank you.Here is a sample text, taken from the news:Ī television station employee was shot dead on Friday in the northwestern city of Peshawar as violent crowds filled the streets of several cities on a day of government-sanctioned protests against an anti-Islam film made in the United States. Thank you very much for attending, everybody. Everyone needs to give some creative ideas for events to run next year. Lovely, thank you very much, Charles, for that update. So what actions we if you've got any comments or any feedback, if you want to get in touch with me, and I'll be able to take them on board.
Yeah, I thought I'd take the opportunity to give her on update on our project plan. And Charles, can we have your update, please? We've got inclusive leadership on the fifth with 10 books on date. We'll be investing more on SEO to boost our organic traffic Fantastic.

We've reached out to 10 bloggers & 8 have accepted our guest blogging request Okay. Reports had no errors, which is really good. The Apprentice networking events were set up and took place on Tuesday. Morgan has completed the blog, and that will be online soon.

We're just having a bit of an update at the moment on people's key priorities and where they're at with their work. So we're just going to spend a couple of minutes providing a bit of an update to each other on our key priorities and work that we've got going on at the moment. And our second agenda item then is Team updates. So I am going to make a start on the meeting anyway, if that's okay.

As we have a rotational minute taker to all of our meetings, Morgan will be taking the minutes of today's meeting. So I have put together an agenda for us to work through, so that we can get through the topics that we need to cover. We are due to run today from 230 until three o'clock, so I am aware that we're quite tight on time. Welcome, everybody today to today's team meeting.